Wednesday, May 4, 2011 [film | sh ät | ˈärtəˌfakt]

film |film|
1 a thin flexible strip of plastic or other material coated with light-sensitive emulsion for exposure in a camera, used to produce photographs or motion pictures : he had already shot a whole roll of film | a new range of films and cameras.
• material in the form of a thin flexible sheet : clear plastic film between the layers of glass.
• a thin layer covering a surface : she quickly wiped away the light film of sweat.
• archaic a fine thread or filament : films of silk.
2 a motion picture; a movie : a horror film | [as adj. ] a film director.
• movies considered as an art or industry : a critical overview of feminist writing on film.

shot | sh ät|
1 a photograph : she took a shot of me holding a lamp near my face.
• a film sequence photographed continuously by one camera : the movie's opening shot is of a character walking across a featureless landscape.
• the range of a camera's view : a prop man was standing just out of shot.

Shot (filmmaking)
In film, a shot is a continuous strip of motion picture film, created of a series of frames, that runs for an uninterrupted period of time. Shots are generally filmed with a single camera and can be of any duration. A shot in production, defined by the beginning and end of a capturing process, is equivalent to a clip in editing, defined as the continuous footage between two edits. Frames, shots, clips, scenes, and sequences form a hierarchy of units fundamental to many tasks in the creation of moving-image works.

The etymology of the term "shot" derives from the early days of film production when camera were hand-cranked. Hand-cranked cameras operated similarly to the hand-cranked machine guns of that era. Therefore, one "shot" film the way one would "shoot" bullets from a machine gun.[1]

artifact |ˈärtəˌfakt| ( Brit. artefact)
1 an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest : gold and silver artifacts.
• Archaeology such an object as distinguished from a similar object naturally produced.
2 something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure : widespread tissue infection may be a technical artifact.

1 comment:

  1. May I know exactly what filmshotartifact provides? Need more infor in the blog i guess =D thanks !
